Thursday, 30 July 2015


Ecological footprint tweet

Our entire human race can fit on this planet successfully if we manage our resources well. If your ecological foot print is 1.5 Earth’s the Earth needs 1.5 years to replenish your supplies but in 2013 the average person used up their supplies in 8 months which is called ecological overshoot therefore humanity uses more resources than the Earth provides and over-time that will hurt us. 17% of the human race uses 80% of the world’s resources making global consumption unevenly distributed and extremely inefficient. The key to our race surviving is management of our resources.

Global warming tweet

Earth’s fragile environment is protected by an atmosphere, the atmosphere keeps some of the suns heat which let’s life survive, the sun also heats up our oceans and land. Without the protection of the atmosphere the Earth’s temperature would be lowered by 35 degrees to minus 20 degrees Celsius. For the last two centuries increasing amounts of gases particularly chlorofluorocarbons and carbon dioxide have been released into the atmosphere in massive amounts. These gases keep more heat in the atmosphere causing ice caps to melt and therefore causing low lying land to disappear under water.


Biodiversity is a very quickly rising problem that goes under the whole umbrella of climate change. The definition of biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat, a high level of which is usually considered to be important and desirable. Biodiversity is important because it boosts the production rate of an ecosystem, in an ecosystem every single fauna and flora has a job to play. If you start to take out one piece of an ecosystem the ecosystem will never be complete, just like a jigsaw, if you take out one piece of a jigsaw the jigsaw is not completed until the piece is put back.

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