Thursday, 30 July 2015

Ecological Footprint

Ecological footprint tweet 

Our entire human race can fit on this planet successfully if we manage our resources well. If your ecological foot print is 1.5 Earth’s the Earth needs 1.5 years to replenish your supplies but in 2013 the average person used up their supplies in 8 months which is called ecological overshoot therefore humanity uses more resources than the Earth provides and over-time that will hurt us. 17% of the human race uses 80% of the world’s resources making global consumption unevenly distributed and extremely inefficient. The key to our race surviving is management of our resources.Ecological footprint connected to Carbon footprint. The carbon footprint is rising because our population is rising and therefore is getting more developed. The population is using finite resources and therefore the carbon footprint rises. If more carbon is in the atmosphere the climate gets hotter and 2014 was the hottest year in recorded history.

Ecological footprint connected to Carbon footprint.

The carbon footprint is rising because our population is rising and therefore is getting more developed. The population is using finite resources and therefore the carbon footprint rises. If more carbon is in the atmosphere the climate gets hotter and 2014 was the hottest year in recorded history.

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