Thursday 23 April 2015

Lest we Forget

Everything I know about Australia in WW1 and Anzac day

  • ANZAC = Australian New Zealand Army Corps
  • Gallipoli
  • 16 million people die in WW1
  • M.A.S.H TV show
  • April 25th people landed in Gallipoli
  • Anzac people died on 25th 1915 when they were ambushed when they landed
  • Ambushed by the Turkey
  • Died getting shot trying to climb hill up to Turkey soldiers
  • Many people faked their age to go to the war
  • Australia spent lots of money on the 100 year celebration
  • 100 year celebration - 2015
  • Simpson and his donkey
  • Fought in trenches
  • Young soldiers, not with much training
  • Poppies on the fields of the western front
  • Sent to Egypt first then to Gallipoli
  • Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders also fought under ANZAC
  • People joined the war becasue they thought it was going to be an adventure
  • C.W.Bean was the official war correspondent
Need to know

  • How the soldiers actually conducted themselves?
  • What really happened?
  • What they fought for?
  • What kept the soldiers going?
  • How long and where did the soldiers trained?
  • After the initial deaths what happened, did all of our soldiers go to war camps, did they get away or did the soldiers beat the Turkey?

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