Wednesday 18 February 2015


Welcome to Marshall Maher's blog

I am in year 9 at Cornish college and recently turned 15. I am a pretty friendly and funny guy and my mates and I are always having a laugh, except of cause when we are doing schoolwork. At school I always try to do my best and aim high with my marks, this means I am always pushing myself to achieve more. As well as having a laugh my mates and I all love sport, half of us are massive AFL fans and the other half are extreme soccer fans, personally I love soccer and always have a good time playing it. 24/7 I try to be a positive guy, this keeps me striving to do better and if things don’t go to well I can easily shake the problems off and try again.

 This is my favourite place, a beach down in Torquay call Birds Rock beach. This place means a lot to me as it is where I started to learn to surf. Surfing and this place are connected to me through my passion for the outdoors, sport and love of the feeling that you get while having a great day surfing. Bird Rock beach has a brilliant look out that you can see down the coast and out towards the ocean.

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