Sunday 22 February 2015

What makes me

What makes me


My Dad’s side of the family came from England to Australia and New Zealand. One of my Great Great Grandfathers went to Melbourne and another one to Sydney; the rest of my Dad’s family went to New Zealand. Some of my Dad’s family still live in New Zealand but a lot have moved to Australia.

My identity

A large part of what makes me, me is my Australian lifestyle this means that I value my opportunities like jobs and education, I value the Western culture that is a large part of how we live, I value equality and I value my freedom.  Some of my personal values are my family and my friends as they have a lot of input into my identity because they are so close to me.  I also value trust which goes hand in hand with honesty, these two things mean that I can have friends and family that I can I have confidence in. I also value responsibility, which lets me live my own life. Happiness lets me enjoy my life and makes me strive to push boundaries. Fitness and Sport are two things that make me happy, without my fitness I would not be able to do things that I can do today. So those are my values that makes me, me.

Wink words

WINK Words

The capacity of ecosystems to produce useful materials for humans and to absorb waste products.
Australia is reaching its bio capacity.
An environment that is characterized by its vegetation and local climate.
If we cross the equator we will be in a different biome.
Something that is unique to other things.
Diversity is everywhere.
Cultural Diversity
Diversity between social structures and belief systems.
When I travel abroad I experience cultural diversity.
Biodiversity is the number and variety of living organisms?
In the park near my house there is a biodiversity of animals.
A type of site where a population of something lives.
Don’t cut down these trees, they are the birds habitat.
Biological capacity per person
The ecological hectare set aside for each person
My biological capacity per person is 2 hectares.
Per capita
Per person
Living organisms working with non-living components of the environment.
The forest is an ecosystem.
Ecological Overshoot
When humans use everything they have been provided with before the time to use it all up by has come around.
The date of ecological overshoot in 2014 was in August.
Ecological Resources
A natural resource that is used to make objects.
Cotton is an ecological resource that goes into making T-Shirts.
Carbon footprint
The amount of carbon per hectare.
“I will measure the carbon footprint in the atmosphere for my research into climate change”.
The use of goods or services
“Jonny’s families consumption is more than my family”.
Ecological Deficit
An ecological deficit takes place when a population use more than their bio capacity.
In August of 2011 the world was ecological deficit
An economy system consists of the production, distribution or trade of goods or services.
Australia’s economy is going well.
GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, it is the total value of goods and services provided in a year to a country.

GDP per capita
The total goods and services provided for a person in a year.
Economic Productivity
Economic Productivity is the amount of product and the value of them that something makes in a certain amount of time.
The worker’s productivity in an hour is $30.
Economic Growth
Economic Growth is the increase in market value of goods over time.
The Economic growth of my iPhone was 15%.
Primary Industry
An industry producing natural products Mining workers work in a primary industry
Primary Product – give an example
A primary product is timber.
Secondary Industry
An industry producing finished products, like cars and phones.
My phone was made by a secondary industry
Secondary Product– give an example
My car
Population density
How much things of a population are inside every km2 of the area the population consumes.
On average there are 47 people per km2 of the Earth.

Population aging
The rising age of the average person in a country or region.
Mortality Rate
The death rate in a certain place.
The mortality rate for Australia is X.
Natural Resources
Anything that Human’s can use that comes from nature.
Water is a commonly used natural resource.
Economic Trade Off
A sacrifice to obtain a certain product.
I made a economic trade off of a holiday to get my iPhone.
Standard of Living
The standard of living in a certain country in terms of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities.
The standard of living in Australia is high.
Economic Inflation
The price of goods and services rising over a period of time.
Economic Recession
An economic recession is when the economy comes to a stand still and the unemployment rates rise.
Between 1929 and 1939 there was a major economic recession.
How Supply and Demand Influence prices
If there is a lot of something it will be cheaper and more available and if there is not much of something then it costs more.
Finite resources cost more because they are finite.
Trade is the goods owned by someone transferring to someone else for another item, such as money.
Southland is full of trade shops.
Taking CO2 out of the atmosphere and trapping it somewhere.

Wednesday 18 February 2015


Welcome to Marshall Maher's blog

I am in year 9 at Cornish college and recently turned 15. I am a pretty friendly and funny guy and my mates and I are always having a laugh, except of cause when we are doing schoolwork. At school I always try to do my best and aim high with my marks, this means I am always pushing myself to achieve more. As well as having a laugh my mates and I all love sport, half of us are massive AFL fans and the other half are extreme soccer fans, personally I love soccer and always have a good time playing it. 24/7 I try to be a positive guy, this keeps me striving to do better and if things don’t go to well I can easily shake the problems off and try again.

 This is my favourite place, a beach down in Torquay call Birds Rock beach. This place means a lot to me as it is where I started to learn to surf. Surfing and this place are connected to me through my passion for the outdoors, sport and love of the feeling that you get while having a great day surfing. Bird Rock beach has a brilliant look out that you can see down the coast and out towards the ocean.